Nightly Meditation 8-25-2011

Tonight we are meditating for world peace, who is joining us?

Also, starting Monday we will do a full week of meditations focused on the economy and jobs for those who are unemployed or impoverished. Please spread the word so those in need can join in. 🙂

Nightly Meditation 8-15-2011

Tonight we are sending love to all the animals of the world, especially to those who have been hurt or abused, so that they may heal and be treated with the respect and love that they deserve. We are also sending love to all those people who hurt others (other people or animal beings) so that they may become more kind and loving. Who is joining us?

Nightly Meditation 8-13-2011

Tonight we are meditating on what we would do if we could do anything we wanted without any limitations, responsibilities or need for money.  Who is joining us?